Meandering mind…

Saturday was my daughter’s birthday,  she’s 24 years old now.  Wow, time flies.  Seems like yesterday she turned the big 1 8 , and just before that she learned to ride a bike , with no training wheels.  Her favorite saying has always been
” no mommy, I can do it my self.”  And she could.  Indigo to the core, independent,  self reliant,  and what some would call willfull.  I’ve always been proud of her, for her uniqueness,  for her strength, her intelligence and fierce protection of who she is.  I love her, I am inspired by her and learn on a daily basis from her.  Thanks Boo, for giving me the best gift ever, you.  I love you baby girl.

Did You Miss This: Awesome (Free) Theme Options

This is a great article and has many helpful tips thanks WP

The Daily Post

Did you know, that of the 260 themes available on, 78 offer free options such as custom headers, colors schemes and palettes, and customizable layouts?

There are plenty of ways to make your blog your own without spending any money. Here’s just a few ideas to prime your creative pump.

The color choice is yours

Several themes, including Superhero, Writr, Spun, Panel, Zoren, Fontfolio, Twenty Thirteen, and Typo, offer free color palettes you can apply. Free color palettes are denoted by the “featured” flag across them in the Customizer. To activate a free color palette, go to Appearance → Customize. Here’s one of Typo‘s three free color palettes:

One of three free color palettes available for the Typo theme. One of three free color palettes available for the Typo theme.

If you’d like to combine a free custom header and color options, check out Vintage Camera

View original post 302 more words

MAY DAY! MAY DAY! Joyous Beltane!

220px-Maypole_in_Brentwood,_California New_York_RenFaire_2004_maypoleWell it’s almost May 1st and Beltane a time of dancing and celebration.  A time to welcome in Spring and the upcoming Summer.

If you live in Cali then you know that Spring is but a blink of the eye and then Summer is here.

Our Spring started in January this year, with beautiful blossoms on the Almond trees, it was a breathtaking sight(as it always is).  You could see a blanket of white as far as the eye could see.  Now this early in the year we have nuts on the trees.  While I enjoy the 70 degree weather I feel for those of you still locked in winter weather.  There is talk of a very severe drought here and limited water supply for irrigation, this would harm the crops. But enough of that…

May Day or Beltane is the day to celebrate the Earths bounty and fertility, it is a celebration of Life.

Beltane  has been called by many names but the traditions have been the same.  MayDay celebrations have been observed since before the coming of Christ in Pagan cultures; with dancing around the May Pole, the choosing of the May Queen and King, the Beltane bonfire, and feasts.  Young or old this day holds much joy and fun for all.

I wanted to share this beloved tradition with you, so I dug up some interesting and fun facts.

May Day is rich in history and is colorful in it’s execution of it’s traditions.

Historically May Day has been observed by the Gaels and has it’s roots in Ireland. Today  it is practiced by the Irish, Scottish, Manx, Celtic, neo-pagans and wiccans.  It has been called by many names in many cultures, Beltane for the Irish and La Bealtainn  for the Scottish and Celtic peoples.

Beltane is the half way point between Spring equinox and Summer Solstice.

May Day is celebrated in many ways as mentioned above; bonfire, wedding ceremonies, MayPole, the crowing of May Queen and King, visiting holy halls, and lots of feasting.  Dancing of all kinds are represented.

In pre-christian times the celebration was dedicated to the goddess Flora, goddess of flowers and the walpurgis night celebration.

The May Pole is a Birch pole stuck upright into the ground with ribbons depended from it.  The ribbons are held alternately by girls and boys or men and women, they dance around the pole going alternate directions until they meet at the base of the pole  making a beautiful pattern, then they would unwind. There are many forms of dance with the Maypole graduating in difficulty.

While the US does’t  celebrate Beltane publicly Maypole dancing can be found at festivals in which other traditional dancing is being held.

The May Queen, is picked from a group of 13 girls by the dancers, she is dressed in all white to represent purity and wears a tiara or crown.  There is often a similar choosing for the May King.  Then there is a ceremonial joining of the King and Queen and depending on the age factor this can get quite frisky!  The King and Queen of May then reside over all the activities.

The Beltane Bonfire was lit the evening of the last day of April and allowed to burn until sundown May 1st.  It was lit traditionally with a bundle of 9 different types of wood and wrapped with ribbons.  Once the bonfire was blazing a smoldering brand would be taken to each household to ensure fertility throughout the summer months.  There are several different rituals that go hand and hand with the bonfire, wedding vows are exchanged with the bride and groom leaping over the low coals, the same with vow renewals.

Most of all remember that Beltane is about fertility, sex and passion, have fun with it!

Let the celebration begin!




excerpt from Memoirs of an Indigo…What’s In a Name?

What’s in a name? For me, personally, quite a bit. They are the song of my soul, the definition of who I am they are the culmination of my life’s experiences, up to that point, at that time. As I’ve grown as a spiritual being my names have changed, evolving as I have. Often times my names have come to me through the Elders, a benevolent group of Teachers and Ascended Masters of all races, religions, spiritualities. Some names I found on my own, in the very early years when I didn’t have the ears to hear the etheric realm. Only the eyes to see…

January 1990 nighttime, in the foothills outside of Lake Don Pedro, CA ~ by Lynne Margaret Hale (walked out soul piece channeled in)
I sit mesmerized by the dancing flames in the teepee’s fire pit. Cold fingers tickle up my back as the wind gust through the tied door flap. I shiver, teeth rattling, the old man in front of me smiles, pictures of fire dance in his patient eyes as they glow with wisdom and other- worldliness. I’d never met an Elder before, never expected the rush of emotions flooding through me; wonder, adoration, anticipation(of what I didn’t know), a taste of fear(although I didn’t know why), a sense of hunger for knowledge. To keep from shaking I clasp my hands, cold and clammy in my lap. Shivering uncontrollably, not from cold, although it is bitter out, no, I await something, something remarkable to happen. The old man is talking, his words floating around me as I gaze deeper and deeper into the fire.
Visions dance in and out of view, before my wondering eyes; faces, bodies; dancing, whirling and flowing, flickering within the radiant light. I am lost, I fall in and find myself continuing to spiral down into the heart of the great being; FIRE Guardian of the South Winds. Surprised, I stare into a pair of burning glowing coal like eyes. They reflect my wonder filled face. Slowly and ever so softly I change into that essence, that brightly burning being within the ember filled flames. Ember, I am Burning Ember!
I laugh out loud, and find myself sitting in front of the fire pit again. The old man across from me gently asked, “Who are you?”
I make eye contact with him over the leaping flames, and say proudly, “I am Burning Ember.”
He smiles his toothless smile and nods his head, a brief recognition of having passed my first initiation.

Sometime around  March 1990 early morning in hills outside of La Grange Ca.
Several months later, my pregnant belly was starting to show. I was distraught, a single mother at nineteen, damn, what a mess my life was. Taking the curves on the road at breakneck speeds I fly along the back country. Golden sun dripping down upon me. I dip down and come around a blind curve, and gasp. The whole valley is filled with morning fog, dew dripping like diamonds along the tall grasses and low bushes. The majestic old Oaks, Spanish moss suspended from their immensely spreading branches, seem to be speaking to me. I slowed, rolling down my window I listen to the early morning voices of creation.
I lose myself in the soft caress of the morning mist along my skin. The Sun shines brightly above the cool haze, adding an unreal cast to it all. Everything glowing, and sparkling, seemingly touched with new life. I touch my small belly and the child growing within. I knew it was a girl, could see her, blond hair flying as we danced round in the silent mist. I exit the car and embrace the misty morning dew, letting it caress and rejuvenate me. I feel cold hands of mist gently stroking along my skin. Murmuring in my ears as a soft sigh, She says” I am Mist, take me into you, feed your soul and the soul of your daughter. For Mist is the nurturing mother of all the earth.” I close my eyes, feeling love and caresses along my damp skin, diamonds of dew depend from my hair, my skin becoming illuminated from within. I breathe deeply, pulling in Her essence. I feel an expansion within me, within my heart and soul. I am blessed with a vision of myself and my daughter dancing on the damp jewel encrusted hills. My heart singing and tears gliding down my cheeks, I ask the Mist, “I have embraced you, allowing you to fill all the dark corners with your luminosity. Who do you name me?” Sighing a laugh, she replied, “Morning Mist.” For you are like the morning, young and fresh.” I laughed, giddy with joy, swirling around in the bright Morning Mist.

Namaste’  (oh I received a new name recently, i’m very honored to share it with you)

K’al ‘Le ‘La’Da Lynne





Lovers do no hide their nakedness.


Congolese Proverb




I see so deeply within myself.

Not needing my eyes,

I can see everything clearly.

Why would I want to bother my eyes again,

Now that I see the world through His eyes?






Bare, I lay myself open and wait…Ahhhh here it comes, LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE, GRACE.

Source has smiled upon me and we are ONE. But wait…. Aren’t we always?



Before your eyes, beloved, I am bare. Laid open, naked. As I see through your eyes, I behold my perfection, reflected back to me.

Your eyes, those that see so clearly, shine forth with love and acceptance for all that I am. As I stand as lovers do, I bare my soul to you.

My beloved, how clearly I see, you with eyes unveiled, and you gazing back at me. A perfect reflection of love we make, I reach out and sink into you.


-L’YA-ANA to the DIVINE-

True Love

The first love letters are written with the eyes.

French proverb

Real love is when you don’t have to tell each other.

French proverb

The minuet I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,

they’re in each other all along.


I remember looking up into the Divines “eyes” and feeling my self washed clean, home and loved.  What power there is in a look, a glance a caress with the eyes.  Love, can alter destinies, change fates and move mountains. Love can start and stop wars, and can by simply acting from  love obliterate famine, disease and destitution.  Love picks us up, twirls us around and puts us back down, in new space.  Thus causing us to see from another’s perspective.  How powerful is love?  Men and women die for it, Live for it, survive for it.

Our Divine Self is LOVE, what are you willing to do for it today?

Me? I plan on co-creating loving Peace, with whomever I met, wherever I go, and in whatever I do.  That’s my Goal.

May your day be blessed’


L’ya-ana Lynne

What is your purpose?

Each person comes into this world with a  specific destiny- he has something to fulfill, some messages has to be delivered, some work has to be completed.  You are not here accidentally- your are here meaningfully.  There is a purpose behind you.  The Whole intends to do something through you.


Funny, I still only know that I am here to SERVE as God asked me.  How though?  By writing a blog, a book, painting a painting, teaching and learning with my children?  I really don’t know, sometimes I’m clueless, today is one of those days.  I went and visited an old friend today and she said some sweet things about me being there for her when she needed it.  My response; I go where Spirit guides me, say what Spirit guides me to say and do what Spirit guides me to do.  Without the Divine within me I am nothing.  A hollow husk of a human shell.  What lives within me, what animates me, that is Spirit.  The Whole, the Divine Source, God.  We are one and on good days I remember this.